During the pandemic, Crayola and I have become reacquainted.
At the beginning of lockdown, I was cleaning up our cupboards and came upon a box of my son’s long-neglected art supplies. He’s grown out of his crayons, markers, Elmer’s glue and construction paper. I have not.
Playing around with his childhood craft supplies lets me lose myself in creating for a few moments in time. I delight our three-year-old neighbour by making her pictures to celebrate the holidays. I choose my audience carefully; I am well aware of my artistic limits. Aspiring to Van Gogh is not the point. It’s all in fun.
A few days ago, I started cutting out hearts to make a Valentine for the little cherub around the corner. I’m just about to drop off my pièce de résistance. Watching her light up will be a Valentine highlight.
Have you found new ways to quiet your mind during COVID?